Friday, September 18, 2009

Personal Statement (edited)

I enjoy helping people and this is very much due to the influence of my parents. Ever since I was young, my parents taught me the virtues of care and kindness. They believe in finding joy through helping others in need. From repairing our neighbours’ electrical appliances to looking after friends’ children to participating in fund raising activities, my parents are always willing to give a helping hand no matter how busy they are.

The actions of my parents made me realized that I can help others through various ways. During my days in secondary school, I participated in food collection and distribution programmes for various beneficiaries. In NUS, I am a volunteer in the Students’ Community Service Club. I was involved in a project named “Grant A Wish” and my task was to encourage people to fulfil the wishes of the less fortunate children. All these experiences brought me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to derive a great sense of accomplishment.

Through the involvement of these activities, I have come to realise that a small gesture can make a huge impact on someone else's life. It warmed my heart strongly when I made the recipient smiled with my little act of kindness. The opportunities to work with people from all walks of life allowed me to enhance my interpersonal and communication skills. In addition, helping others by making a difference in their lives have definitely boosted my self-confidence and I feel that these factors are important in every aspect of our lives.

I truly believe that the journey to happiness starts with giving. Hence, I wish to continue to help others in need and spread the spirit of volunteerism to the general public.

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